The initial idea the project came with a Brazilian popular saying: "An eye on the fish and the another cat."
The development of the naming the concept was looking for a word reporting on all, thenI discovered that in Tupi-Guarani (the language of an indigenous people native Brazilian) Pray the word means "to inform / communicate at all." Colors used have been orange which refers to creativity and navy blue to the seriousness.
The development of the naming the concept was looking for a word reporting on all, thenI discovered that in Tupi-Guarani (the language of an indigenous people native Brazilian) Pray the word means "to inform / communicate at all." Colors used have been orange which refers to creativity and navy blue to the seriousness.
A ideia inicial do projeto surgiu com um ditado popular brasileiro:"Um olho no peixe e outro no gato'. Para o desenvolvimento do naming o conceito foi procurar uma palavra que comunicasse a todos, então, descobri que em Tupi-guarani (língua de um povo indígena nativo brasileiro) a palavra Órë quer dizer "informar/comunicar a todos". As cores usadas foram o laranja que remete à criativade e o azul marinho à seriedade.