Lucas Lorenzoni®
For the development of the brand architect Lucas Lorenzoni, we had a very interesting challenge. We should find the why's last name, work with golden swiss design and proportion.
The origin of the Lorenzoni surname: According to the Italian Surnames Dictionary, Volume I, of Cyrus Mioranza, the surname Lorenzon is a short Lorenzoni which is composed of "Lorenzo" and the plural ending "oni". Lorenzo which is the Italian form of Latin Laurentius is the basis for several Italian sobenomes. Laurentius - the name comes from Laurentum, ancient city of Latium, the Romans explained as a derivative of laurus (blonde), Laurentum (Loureiral); the name had great diffusion thanks to the prestige and St. Laurentius worship, martyred in Rome in the year 258, the last name defines as fq. Laurentii (son of Mr. Laurentius, with subsequent phonetic evolution that fixed in Lorenzi).
The origin of the Lorenzoni surname: According to the Italian Surnames Dictionary, Volume I, of Cyrus Mioranza, the surname Lorenzon is a short Lorenzoni which is composed of "Lorenzo" and the plural ending "oni". Lorenzo which is the Italian form of Latin Laurentius is the basis for several Italian sobenomes. Laurentius - the name comes from Laurentum, ancient city of Latium, the Romans explained as a derivative of laurus (blonde), Laurentum (Loureiral); the name had great diffusion thanks to the prestige and St. Laurentius worship, martyred in Rome in the year 258, the last name defines as fq. Laurentii (son of Mr. Laurentius, with subsequent phonetic evolution that fixed in Lorenzi).
Para o desenvolvimento da marca do arquiteto Lucas Lorenzoni, tinhamos um desafio muito interessante. Deveríamos pesquisar o porque do sobrenome, trabalhar com proporção áurea e swiss design. A origem do sobrenome Lorenzoni: Segundo o Dicionário de Sobrenomes Italianos, volume I, de Ciro Mioranza, o sobrenome Lorenzon é uma forma reduzida de Lorenzoni que é composto de "Lorenzo" e a desinência plural "oni". Lorenzo que é a forma italiana do latim Laurentius é a base para vários sobenomes italianos. Laurentius - o nome se origina de Laurentum, antiga cidade do Lácio, que os romanos explicavam como um derivado de laurus (louro), laurentum (loureiral); o nome teve grande difusão graças ao prestígio e culto de São Laurentius, mártir em Roma, no ano de 258, o sobrenome de define como fq. Laurentii (filho do Sr. Laurentius, com posterior evolução fonética que o fixa em Lorenzi).
Agency: triocom.com.br
Creative Director: Matheus Corseuil
Art Director: Lucas Matheus
Planning: Estevan Baldissera
Year: 2015

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Designed in Brasil by:
Matheus Corseuil & Lucas Matheus.
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